We present a 90-Day 200% Sales Intensity and Discipline Challenge, where we work with you to double the sheer horse-power of the sales engine. This is the 'Quickest Hit' for any organization which is looking to boost their sales in shortest possible time. Here are some of the sure-fire techniques that we use.
Over the years we have developed a large repository of Sales Skill Training Content, which can be customized based on the specific needs, sector and business life cycle stage of the client. This includes 100s of techniques, Tips and Tricks for:
- Sales Lead Generation
- Cold-Calling
- Sales Pitch and Presentation
- Sales Proposal and Quotation
- Sales Negotiation
- Sales Closing
- Handling Customer Objections and Stalls
- Post-Sales Closure
- Customer Relationship
- Getting Repeat Sales from Customer
- Maximizing Sales Profitability
- New Product Launch
Sales People (apart from Tele-marketers), have to be on the move. They need to meet customers, pitch, negotiate and close. In today's technology-driven era, a sales person can be ever present without having the need to come to the office. Mobility can save at least 25% of a sales person's unproductive time.
We upgrade or implement mobility solutions so that everything a sales person needs in terms of information, reports, alerts, reminders, commission statements, assigned leads, customer analysis, training kits etc...are available to him real-time online on his mobile.
Apart from that we implement communication tools where by sales performance and leads status updates, performance reviews and any exception management can be done through online collaboration.
We carefully map sales person's Activities, and identify the waste-ful non-sales work, which is distracting them from selling and closing. This includes operational/Order-Processing, Follow-up on Delivery Post-Sales, Long Review Session and non-critical MIS creations.
'After you have identified and agreed the need to eliminate non value-add activities, we work-out wide variety of solutions including technology tools, changes in role and responsibilities, elimination of tasks altogather and process re-engineering. On an average one can save at least 20-25% of a sales person's time.
Apart from thinking, even the sales itself can be co-shared between the sales person on the ground and technology Tools. For Example:
- Sales Videos shown to the customer
- Customer Need Analysis Tools
- Online Face-time with Product Experts
- Value Comparison sheets vs Competition
After having taken away most of time-wasters and maximizing Sales person's efficiency, we establish high benchmark of activities (or what we call as Sales 'Input') for every role in the sales organization. This includes:
- Routine tasks to be done on Daily, Weekly and monthly basis without compromise
- Minimum number of activities like No. of Customer Meetings in a day.
- %age of time to be spent on different sales objectives (%aof time on new leads vs, existing customers vs Channels)
It is critical that sales managers and support functions are highly focused to make the sales feet on street successful. We set-up norms and commitments from all concerned to help the sales troops through:
- Sales Managers Co-working with the Sales Staff by making customer visits and provide online intervention
- Support Functions work as per structure Service Level Agreement to provide all needed information and delivery
- Management provides empowerment for sales to take decisions at ground-level
- Management provides sponsorshop to resolve top 5 barriers for sales staff to succeed